Do Fibrocystic Breasts Hurt? My Journey with Fibrocystic Breasts Pain

When something is not right, it’s wrong. I was in my 30’s when my journey with fibrocystic breasts pain began, and for me it was painful. Cyclical, but painful. This is my personal experience.

Woman sitting on bed with head on knees, bands wrapped around legs. Appears to be in pain or sad. How I felt from fibrocystic breasts pain.

My First Symptom of Fibrocystic Breasts

I will never forget the first symptom fibrocystic breasts presented; rope-like lumps. They were not visible, but upon touching it felt like a half-inch diameter rope was just under my skin. And it seemed to wrap around my breast tissue.

After consulting my doctor and some tests, the results were inconclusive. On one hand it was a relief I had no serious results. I always had cancer in the back of my head. On the other hand, I wanted answers. Doc suggested it was normal and offered birth control to thwart the unwanted symptom. I declined and this is where I knew it was up to me to research what was truly happening and what I could do about it.

My Second Symptom

Pain. Throbbing, unrelenting pain. At times the pain would be in sync with my heartbeat. Ever had a toothache? It was like that, and I wear a 32H. The discomfort was at times unbearable. Can you imagine?

The pain would intensify when I was in ovulation. So, it was obvious to me the change in fibrocystic breasts pain levels were directly associated with my hormone level changes. I began my research, focusing on hormone health, specifically estrogen and progesterone levels.

The Final Symptom

Radiating heat. Like two 32H sized heating pads, with rope-like texture and throbbing pain had taken residency on my chest. I did not sign up for this. I was not comfortable. And, since birth control was my doctor’s response I knew it was up to me to find relief. Living on ibuprofen is not acceptable for me.

In my hormone research I found I did have hormonal imbalance, aka estrogen dominance. My hormones were actually within the normal range. It was my estrogen-to-progesterone ratio that shifted too far to the estrogen side. It is not uncommon but there is no official diagnosis. Many women AND men experience this unbalance.

Through trial and tribulation I did find a regimen that works. I found relief! For the past five years I have been symptom free of fibrocystic breasts pain and estrogen dominance. Along with a healthy nutrition program, paired with enjoyable movement plus the KEY that unlocked everything, were two supplements. I shared the two supplements that has kept me free of fibrocystic breast in a blog post. I hope if you are suffering that you can find relief. Remember, when something is wrong it’s not right.

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