Parosmia: What is it?

Parosmia experience, a description. Ammonia. Then sweet. Sometimes rotten meat. Let’s not forget the perfume-like smell and taste. I can eat about two bites until my gag reflexes kick in. And, sometimes the mere thought of food makes me nauseous.

This is my best attempt at describing my experience with parosmia. To be clear, it’s not a taste or smell, more like a sensation in the back of my throat. I became ill in November 2021 with covid-like symptoms, but had three negative tests.

I lost my sense of taste and smell around late-November. It was annoying and frustrating. I did experience some phantom smells and was sure I was recovering. Then, this past week – two months later – the parosmia symptoms began. What I would do to go back to no smell or taste. This is horrible!

What is Parosmia?

According to Wikipedia:

Parosmia is a dysfunctional smell detection characterized by the inability of the brain to correctly identify an odor’s “natural” smell. Instead, the natural odor is usually transformed into an unpleasant aroma, typically a “burned”, “rotting”, “fecal”, or “chemical” smell. There can also be rare instances of a pleasant odor called euosmia.

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